
B”H CROWN CAR RENTALS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL AGREEMENT TO HIRE RENTAL VEHICLE Our online reservation system is new, when we receive your reservation, if there is a problem we will change it to next similar available vehicle, and will notify you if there is a problem

Car rental rules

It is absolutely forbidden to smoke in the car (even with the window open)

In case the renter does not have an American credit card, there is a deductible up to $ 1,000.

No one is allowed to drive the vehicle except the renter (there is an option to add an additional driver).

A valid driver's license photo is required and deposit of credit card / cash. All driver must be over 21.

The rental price includes 150 miles per day, more than that the renter will pay 15 cents for any additional mile.


Must be returned to the fuel tank in the same amount was received, and if not the renter will be charged the missing amount plus $10.

No refund or credit will be given to the remaining fuel.

The vehicle must return free of dirt and objects. In case not, the renter will be charged $20 - $100 fine.

No responsibility for personal items forgotten by car.

in case that a ticket was gotten, must be notified immediately and pay the amount. Renter who did not informed immediately will be charged additional $10 fine.

The renter has the liability to check the vehicle status (such as wheels, updated documents, plugs,damage, etc.) before leaving .

In case of damage in under the vehicle including a flat tire, the full responsibility is on the renter.

In the case of a mechanical malfunction, please contact the rental company immediately, and park the car in a legal place or wait with the car until assistants arrives, If you go out of the range of 80 miles from our location you r responsible to return the car to our location an your expense. We have no responsibility for anything you had or left in the car, in any way or cause = mechanical issue, fire , theft or anyway. If you cancel reservation 24 Hours before start time, there is no charge if not if a high s session, but if you remember later, it will cost you 25% of the rental and 50% if less then 1 hour to start. In case that you r late to return, please contact us immediately to save us and the next customer a big headache and save you an up to 100$ fine!

What to do in case of an accident or a problem in the car?

First of all - relax. In any case of a problem or an accident, please contact us as soon as possible and we will guide you exactly what to do.

Generality: In case of an accident with injuries, you should call immediately to 911.

In case of a vehicle problem, contact us and we'll guide you, we cover everything that stops you from continuing to travel except tires (as is customary in most rental companies). Anyway Never leave your vehicle in a prohibited place and you must wait for a tow truck.

* We reserve the right to cancel or modify a reservation at any time, and refund the payment only.



The Rental Agreement comprises these terms and conditions and the rental document setting out the hire details which is provided with each vehicle at the point of hire (referred to in these terms and conditions as the "Rental Document"). The Rental Agreement is made between Village Car Rentals (herein referred to as "the owner") and the person and/or company signing the Rental Document (herein referred to as "the hirer") whose particulars are recorded in the Rental Document. It is hereby agreed as follows:

1. The owner will let and the hirer will take the motor vehicle, details of which are described in the Rental Document (herein referred to as "the vehicle"), for the term of hire as described in the Rental Document.

2. The vehicle may be driven during the term of hire only by the persons named on the Rental Document or in a supplementary driver's sheet attached to the Rental Agreement, and only if they hold a current full valid driver's licence appropriate for the vehicle while they are using the vehicle.

3. The hirer shall pay the owner for the hire of the vehicle the sum or sums specified in the Rental Document; and authorizes the owner to charge all amounts payable to the hirer's account. The hirer's account means a nominated debit card, credit card, or pre-arranged charge account.

4. In addition to the payment specified in clause 3 above, the hirer acknowledges that they shall be liable at the end of the hire term to pay to the owner any applicable additional charges payable at the end of the term. These include, but are not limited to:
a) a fee to cover additional drivers;
b) a surcharge for drivers under the age of 21;
c) additional charges for distance driven (as specified in the Rental Document for every kilometre run);
d) charges for petrol or other fuel used (but not oil);
e) road user charges;
f) charges for late return of the vehicle;
g) charges for damage to or repair of the vehicle (subject to the other terms of the Rental Agreement); and any enforcement charges relating to such damage or repairs (including legal costs);
h) charges for cleaning the vehicle's interior if the vehicle is returned in an excessively dirty condition that requires extra cleaning or deodorizing. This includes, but is not limited to, spillage of fluids, food, vomit, other stains, and unpleasant odours including cigarette smoke;
i) traffic and/or parking offence infringement fees;
j) the administration fees as specified in the Rental Agreement; and
k) any surcharges in connection with the use of a debit or credit card by the hirer.

5. The owner will charge the amounts set out in clauses 3 and 4 above to the hirer's account during or after the term of hire is completed, or the hirer may pay such charges as agreed with the owner, such choice to be at the owner's sole discretion.

6. If the hirer fails to pay any money due under or in connection with the Rental Agreement within 14 days of the date by which the hirer was required to pay the money, the owner may, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the owner may have or be entitled to, charge the hirer and the hirer must pay all additional costs as outlined below:
(a) interest at 10% (compounded daily) on the total amount owing from the expiry of 14 days from the date on which the hirer was required to pay the money to the date of payment;
(b) all costs incurred by the owner for the collection of the unpaid money by a debt collection agency or other external or legal agency; and
(c) an administration fee of $50.

7. The hirer shall not:
a) use or allow the vehicle to be used for the transport of passengers for hire or reward unless the vehicle is hired with the owner's knowledge for use in a passenger service licensed under Part 4A of the Land Transport Act 1998 ("the Act");
b) sublet or hire the vehicle to any other person;
c) allow the vehicle to be used outside his/her authority;
d) operate the vehicle or allow it to be operated in circumstances that constitute an offence against any of Sections 56, 57 or 58 of the Act (which relates to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs);
e) operate the vehicle or allow it to be operated in any race, speed test, reliability trial, rally or contest, or operated on any race or rally circuit or in any event as a pace-maker or testing in preparation for any of them;
f) operate the vehicle, or allow it to be operated, in breach of the Act, the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, or any other Act, regulations, rules or bylaws relating to road traffic;
g) operate the vehicle or allow it to be operated for the transport of more passengers or goods than the maximum specified in the certificate of loading and/or road user charge certificate, whichever is the lesser, for the vehicle;
h) drive or allow the vehicle to be driven by any person if at the time of driving the vehicle the driver does not hold a current full valid driver's licence appropriate for the vehicle;
i) drive or allow the vehicle to be driven on any roads excluded in clause 22(q) of these terms and conditions, or on any beach, driveway, or surface likely to damage the vehicle;
j) allow the vehicle to be driven by any person who is not named or described in the Rental Document as a person permitted to drive the vehicle;
k) operate the vehicle or allow it to be operated to propel or tow any other vehicle;
l) transport any animal in the vehicle (with the exception of guide dogs for visually impaired people);
m) operate or allow the vehicle to be used in involvement with any illegal activity; or
n) allow any person to smoke in the vehicle.

8. The hirer shall ensure that:
a) all reasonable care is taken when driving and parking the vehicle;
b) the water in the vehicle's radiator and battery is maintained at the proper level;
c) the oil in the vehicle is maintained at the proper level;
d) only the fuel type specified for the vehicle will be used;
e) the tires are maintained at their proper pressure;
f) the vehicle is locked and secure at all times when it is not in use and the keys kept under the hirer's personal control at all times;
g) the distance recorder or speedometer are not interfered with;
h) no part of the engine, transmission, braking or suspension systems are interfered with;
i) should a warning light be illuminated or the hirer believes the vehicle requires mechanical attention, the hirer will stop driving and advise the owner immediately;
j) all drivers authorised to use this vehicle during the term of hire are aware of and comply with the terms outlined in the Rental Agreement; and
k) any authorised driver carries their driver's licence with them in the vehicle at all times and will produce it on demand to any enforcement officer.

9. The owner shall supply the vehicle in a safe and roadworthy condition, up to current Certificate of Fitness standards.
And the owner will cover only up to 10,000.00$ per accident.

10. If the vehicle is involved in an accident, is damaged, breaks down or requires repair or salvage, regardless of cause, the hirer shall notify the owner of the full circumstances by telephone immediately.
11. The hirer shall not arrange or undertake any repairs or salvage without the owner's authority (this includes, but is not limited to, purchasing a replacement tyre) except to the extent that repairs or salvage are necessary to prevent further damage to the vehicle or to other property.
12. 24 Hour Roadside Assistance is available for $2.99 a day for all inherent mechanical faults

13. If the vehicle requires repair or replacement, the decision to supply another vehicle to the hirer is at the owner's sole discretion.

14. The hirer shall, at or before the expiry of the term of hire, deliver the vehicle to the agreed rental location described in the Rental Document or obtain the owner's consent to the continuation of the hire (in which case the hirer shall pay additional hire charges for the extended term of hire). If the hirer does not comply with this clause, and does not immediately return the vehicle, the owner may report the vehicle as stolen to the Police and the hirer must compensate the owner for either the full cost of the vehicle, or all additional costs and losses incurred up to the time that the vehicle is recovered by the owner.

15. The hirer is liable for:
a) any loss of, or damage to, the vehicle and its accessories;
b) any consequential damage, loss or costs incurred by the owner, including salvage costs, loss of ability to re-hire and loss of revenue; and
c) any loss of, or damage to, vehicles and property of third parties, arising during the term of hire.


24. All penalties related to traffic and/or parking offences are the responsibility of the hirer and the owner may charge the hirer's credit card for any traffic and/or parking offence infringement fees incurred by the hirer. The owner undertakes, in the event that the owner receives notice of any traffic or parking offenses incurred by the hirer, to send a copy of any such notice to the hirer as soon as is practicable and to provide the necessary information to the relevant issuing authority for such notices to be directed to the hirer. The hirer has the right to challenge, complain about, query or object to the alleged offence to the issuing enforcement authority and has a right to seek a court hearing (within 56 days from the date of issue of the infringement notice or 28 days from the date of issue of the reminder notice).

The owner may also charge an administration fee of $30 plus GST to cover the cost of processing and sending to the hirer notices related to traffic and/or parking infringements.

25. The owner has the right to terminate the hire and take immediate possession of the vehicle if the hirer fails to comply with any of the terms of the Rental Agreement, or if the vehicle is damaged. The termination of a hire under the authority of this clause shall be without prejudice to the other rights of the owner and the rights of the hirer under the Rental Agreement or otherwise.

In addition to the insurance cover set out above, the hirer may also choose the Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) and/or Personal Effects and Baggage Insurance (PEB) and/or Excess Reduction (ER) options by so indicating on the Rental Document. PAI and PEB insurance is offered on behalf of the current policy underwriter, and the owner acts only as their agent in arranging this insurance. The amount of that excess and the daily rate payable in respect of ER is dependent upon the age of the hirer, the type of vehicle hired, and the location of hire.

The hirer acknowledges that the underwriter of, and/or the terms of, and/or the charges payable for PAI, PEB or ER may change without notice to the hirer; or the availability of the PAI, PEB or ER options may be cancelled without notice to the hirer.

The information requested from the hirer is to enable the owner to assess the hirer’s request to hire a vehicle. The hirer does not have to supply this information, but if the hirer does not, then the owner is unable to hire the vehicle. The hirer acknowledges that the owner will collect, hold and use the hirer’s personal information for purposes related to the hire of the vehicle and the provision of related customer services, including direct marketing and assessing customer satisfaction with products and services provided by the owner. The hirer further acknowledges that such personal information may be disclosed to debt collection agencies in the event that the hirer defaults in the payment of any monies owing to the owner, or other parties involved in an accident with the vehicle while on hire to the hirer; or any organisations responsible for the processing or handling of traffic related infringements; and the hirer hereby authorises the disclosure of their personal information for such purposes.

                                                                                   You MUST be over 21 with a major Credit Card (not debit card and not AMEX) To reserve online