Hour 6 Hours Daly 9PM - 9AM Weekly Monthly
Mid Size $ 10$ 40$ 50$ 30$ 350$ 1200$
Milege Included 20 50 150 50 900 3600
Full Size $ 10$ 45$ 65$ 35$ 380$ 1300$
Milege Included 10 50 150 50 900 3600
Mini Vans $ 12.5$ 45$ 75$ 35$ 400$ 1400$
Milege Included 10 50 150 50 900 3600
Smart $ 10$ 40$ 50$ 30$ 300$ 1000$
Milege Included 10 50 100 50 600 2800
* minimum rental is for 2 Hours!
* No returns on friday after 9:00AM!
* gas not included!

* customer has to register@ sign rules before making a resarvasion!
                                                                                   You MUST be over 21 with a major Credit Card (not debit card and not AMEX) To reserve online